Frequent Questions

Here are some of the questions that I am frequently asked, and brief answers. If there is anything else that I may be able to clarify for you, please click on Contact and send your question or comments to me and I will respond as soon as I can.

Do you recommend people going off medication?

NO! My approach to natural therapy is that it is complementary to scientific medicine and that we should work hand in hand. Continuing your medication is a matter for you and your doctor to decide. How I can help with your medication is to balance your body to it so that any side-effects are minimised as much as possible.

Does acupressure hurt and how is it different from acupuncture?

Acupuncture and acupressure use the same energy ‘map’ which was plotted by Chinese physicians about 5000 years ago. The gentle acupressure that I apply does not hurt. The points I use are specially selected for the needs of the client and the client usually knows when the points have been held for long enough (often their breathing will change and their eyes will open spontaneously). This release or transfer of energy enables blocked energy to flow to the organs and areas of the body that are energy-depleted. Stimulation with very fine needles enables an acupuncturist to activate energy flow throughout the body using multiple points. Occasionally the needles can hurt a little on the way in and on the way out but essentially it is a painless experience and is a very valuable healing modality for certain conditions.

How do the tuning forks work?

Think about a radio or TV which is tuned in perfectly until some other electrical appliance is turned on near it. We can get either ‘static’ or ‘snowing’ until the ‘interference’ is turned off. Similarly, the electrical energy of our body can become ‘static’ which interferes with its smooth operation. The clear, pure sounds of the tuning forks cut through and dissipate this ‘static’ energy.

We all breathe to stay alive, so why do you think breathing is so important?

Yes, if we are alive we are obviously breathing. However, the amount of air we breathe, the rhythm of our breathing, and how well our breathing muscles work, can all affect the state of our health, the clarity of our thinking and the amount of energy we have. It is the mechanism of breathing that determines how much air we take in with each breath. It is the diaphragm and the muscles of the rib-cage which ensure that we keep breathing. However, like other muscles in the body these can become ‘stiff’ or ‘weak’ and work at less than their capacity. The better these muscles are working, the greater the supply of oxygen to the cells of the body and the better our over-all health.

How does muscle monitoring work?

The body is a totally integrated system and muscle tissue is found throughout the body. Muscles work by a feed-back mechanism to the brain via the nervous system. In other words, nerves to and from the muscles communicate instantaneously with the brain. The art of muscle monitoring enables me to ‘read’ the response of muscles to stressful thoughts, feelings or substances, and to find out what exactly will release that stress response from the body’s memory.

What exactly do you do?

Each session is unique and depends on the needs of the client. Using advanced muscle monitoring, I am able to discover precisely whether there is a physical, mental or emotional starting point for the session.


Who can benefit?

Everyone can benefit from kinesiology! Men, women, children, teenagers! Life throws up challenges to us at all stages of our growth and development as human beings.

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